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August 14, 2005

No words

Adolph Smith

Mr. Eccleston: Today is Oct. 12, 2001. The time is 10:31 hours, and this is Christopher Eccleston of the New York City Fire Department. I'm conducting an interview with the following individual. Please state your name and title. [NOTE: article viewable in Internet Explorer.]

E.M.T. Smith: Adolph Smith, E.M.T..

Mr. Eccleston: And your assigned command area?

E.M.T. Smith: I'm assigned to Battalion 8.

Mr. Eccleston: Of the New York City Fire Department?

E.M.T.. Smith: As a de-con specialist.

Mr. Eccleston: Also in the room is -

Ms. Bastedenbeck: Chris Bastedenbeck from the New York City Fire Department.

Q. Mr. Smith, were you working on Sept. 11th, 2001?

A. Yes, I was.

Q. Were you assigned to the World Trade disaster?

A. Yes, I was.

Q. Can you please tell me about the events of that day?


Mr. Eccleston: The time is 10:33, and we are going to be continuing this interview.

Q. Mr. Smith, can you tell me about the events of Sept. 11th?

A. I was assigned to the World Trade Center incident, and we arrived and were directed to go to Vesey and West on the west side of West Street. We arrived in that area, and I don't remember the captain's name. He directed us to park along (inaudible). So we did. So we backed in to park. I just happened to look up, and what I thought was debris coming down from the north tower was people and bodies.


Mr. Eccleston: This interview is being concluded at 10:35 hours. Mr. Smith is unable to continue with this interview.