When rich, elitist, out-of-touch New Yorkers have a summer home, it's as often in the Hamptons as not. So it will not surprise you that a local boutique in East Hampton, which sells plastic cups embossed with presidential candidates' names on them, is keeping a vote tally based on cup sales.Since the photo at the left was taken, the tally has been revised to Obama 637, Clinton 329, and McCain 89. Yes, you have that right. It is the Hamptons, after all.
McCain is actually doing even worse than it appears among the REOOTNY set:
Jane Maynard, a supporter of Senator McCain, did not like the look of the numbers last weekend, so she bought 26 McCain 2008 cups.This is a point on which everyone seems to agree. As the article explains:
“I thought McCain needed a boost,” she said. “There are a lot of limousine liberals out there.”
On Saturday afternoon, Jean Vanderbilt, the third wife of the late Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, dropped in to invite Valerie Smith, an owner of the shop and Ms. Hoagland’s daughter, to a Kentucky Derby party. Ms. Vanderbilt said she had sent some Obama cups to her friends Benjamin M. Rosen, a founder of Compaq computer, and his wife, Donna Rosen. “This is strong Obama country,” Ms. Vanderbilt said.It is. No doubt, it is.