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December 30, 2007

Ron Paul chats with his cocker spaniel, Part 4

"Dr. Paul": I'm getting so tired of having to enlighten these ineducable members of the establishment.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Why can't they see that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto was simply blowback?

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": It never would have happened if we hadn't started a foolish and illegal war in Iraq.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": And propped up Musharraf after September 11.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Which, by the way, was itself blowback after we stationed our military in Saudi Arabia, which people like Osama bin Laden consider holy land.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Not to mention our wholly unbalanced support for the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": We had no business fighting with Saddam Hussein in the 1990s, anyway.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": After all, we were supporting him against Iran in the 1980s.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Because we didn't understand that the Iranians in the American Embassy were simply upset about our support for the Shah.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": I mean, why did we think that installing a foreign leader who didn't have the support of his people was any of our business?

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": That was the same mistake that led to the illegal war in Vietnam.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": And, to a degree, to the illegal war in Korea.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": We somehow got the idea during World War II that foreign intervention was a useful form of domestic policy.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": But there never would have been a Nazi party at all in Germany, nor would there have been a ground for our intervention in World War II, if we hadn't foolishly meddled in World War I, which really had nothing to do with us at all.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": People revere Teddy Roosevelt for some reason, but he made his name in the Spanish-American War in 1898, an incredibly misguided intervention that still reverberates to our detriment in the Philippines today.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": If Abraham Lincoln hadn't tried to take dictatorial power by starting the Civil War, we could have bought all the slaves and freed them, sparing the 600,000 lives squandered in that war.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": And we would not have had 150 years of race problems ever since.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Blowback.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": And don't even get me started on the War of 1812.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": How mind-bogglingly short-sighted was it for President Madison to ally with the French against the British?

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": We would never have had British troops getting back at us by burning Washington if we had only stayed out of foreign interventions!

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": The way the framers provided in the Constitution.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Like James Madison.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": You know, it's all blowback.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Just what you'd expect.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": And you know what's really funny?

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": About the only prominent person who understands this, besides me, is Noam Chomsky.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Which is sort of ironic.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul": Given that "Noam" is such a Zionist Likudnik name.

Cocker Spaniel:

"Dr. Paul":

Cocker Spaniel: So you say. But for us retromingent mammals, the only blowback we care about is a really strong tailwind, if you know what I mean -- which I'm sure you do, given those wet spots I've noticed on your pants.



Ron Paul chats with his cocker spaniel, Part 3

Ron Paul chats with his cocker spaniel, Part 2

Ron Paul chats with his cocker spaniel

Ron Paul goes to the post office


Video at Hot Air