"Dr. Paul": It's really very lonely running for President.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": I mean, people think that when you're running for President, it's non-stop fun, with big campaign events every day and media swarms around you at all times.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": The truth is, I've got a lot of fine human beings in my campaign, but there sure aren't any brass bands welcoming me and announcing my arrival.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": The closest we come is some goose-stepping supporters who occasionally turn up.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Not that anyone understands.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": I raise $5 million in the blink of an eye, and no one wants to talk about that.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": They want to talk about how my campaign received a $1000 contribution from Alex Jones.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": I don't know whether Alex's ideas about 9/11 are correct, but I know you can't trust our government to tell the truth.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": And if you can't trust it to tell the truth, you can't trust it not to destroy the World Trade Towers through controlled demolition and to fire a missile into the Pentagon, in order to have a pretext for an endless, illegal war in the Middle East that's not in our national interest.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Not that I think it actually happened that way.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Only that we really don't know and that, if anyone raises questions about it, no matter who or what, we really should find out.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": They also can't stop talking about a $500 contribution I got from Don Black and the ads for my campaign at Stormfront.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": This is a free country, and, whatever a person chooses to believe, we have free speech here -- at least we used to.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Does anyone pay any attention to the fact that Hillary has received contributions from a fugitive felon Chinaman?
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": No, they don't.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Because they're the media, and they're from New York.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": But me? They want me to monitor the contributions I get from White Supremacists, neo-Nazis, and 9/11 Truthers.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": They're trying to paint me as some kind of anti-semite.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Which is ridiculous. I mean, we even have "Jews for Ron Paul."
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": It doesn't matter to me that the "Jews" for Ron Paul tend to be Unitarian Universalists.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Who am I to argue with how a Jew practices his own religion?
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": The Constitution calls for the free exercise of religion. Your own, or someone else's.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": What's the name of that guy who does ritual circumcisions?
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Whatever it is, they're just like him, going right after my thingie-dingie.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": So it's going to be a long, lonely battle. But right will triumph.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul": Because it's totally unfair to blame me for my supporters.
Cocker Spaniel:
"Dr. Paul":
Cocker Spaniel: You know, there's an expression I've heard that goes, "If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas." 'Course, I suspect it was just some poofter Zionist cat that came up with that one.
Previous: Ron Paul chats with his cocker spaniel, Ron Paul goes to the post office
Related: American Thinker, Sultan Knish

November 15, 2007
Ron Paul chats with his cocker spaniel, Part 2
Posted by
10:04 PM
Election 2008,
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